From Sunday
to 9th hour of Tuesday
Thine is the power, the glory, the blessing, the
majesty. Forever
Emmanuel, our God and King.
Thine is the power, the glory, the blessing, the
majesty. Forever
My Lord Jesus Christ.
Thine is the power, the glory, the blessing, the
majesty. Forever
From 11th
hour of Tuesday to 11th hour of Thursday
Thine is the power, the glory, the blessing, the
majesty. Forever
Emmanuel, our God and King.
Thine is the power, the glory, the blessing, the
majesty. Forever
My Lord Jesus Christ, my Good
Thine is the power, the glory, the blessing, the
majesty. Forever
From 1st hour
of eve of Friday
Thine is the power, the glory, the blessing, the
majesty. Forever
Emmanuel, our God and King.
Thine is the power, the glory, the blessing, the
majesty. Forever
My Lord Jesus Christ, my Good Saviour. The Lord is my strength and my
He became to me a
sacred salvation.
Thine is the power, the glory, the blessing, the
majesty. Forever
O King of peace, grant us
Your peace, establish for us Your peace, and forgive us our
Disperse the enemies, of the
Church, fortify Her that She may not be, shaken forever.
Emmanuel our God, in now in
our midst, with the glory of His Father, and the Holy
May He bless us all, purify
our hearts, and heal the sicknesses, of our souls and
We worship You O Christ,
with Your good Father, and the Holy Spirit, for You were crucified and save
O You, Who on the sixth day and in the sixth hour was nailed to the cross, for the sin which our father Adam dared to commit in Paradise, tear the handwritten record of our sins, O Christ our God, and save us.
I cried to the Lord and He
heard me. God, hear my prayer, and do not refuse my petition. Be attentive to me
and hear me in the evening, in the morning, and at midday. I say my words, and
He hears my voice and delivers my soul in peace.
O Jesus Christ, our God, who
was nailed to the cross in the sixth hour, and killed sin by the tree, and by
Your death You made alive the dead man, whom You created with Your own hands,
and had died in sin. Put to death our pains by Your healing and life-giving
passions, and by the nails with which You were nailed. Rescue our minds from
thoughtlessness of the earthly deeds and worldly lusts, to the remembrance of
Your heavenly commandments, according to Your compassion.
Since we have no favorable
opportunity because of our many sins, we, through you, implore to Him who was
born of you, O Theotokos, the Virgin, for abundant and acceptable is your
intercession with our Savior. O
pure mother, do not exclude sinners from your intercession with Him whom you
bore, for He is merciful and able to save us, because He suffered for us to
deliver us. Let your compassion
speedily reach us, for we are exceedingly humbled. Help us, O God, our Savior, for the
glory of Your name. O Lord, deliver
us and forgive us our sins for the sake of Your holy name.
You wrought salvation in the
midst of all the earth, O Christ our God, as You stretched Your holy hands on
the cross. Therefore, all nations
cry out saying, “Glory to Your, O Lord”.
We worship Your
incorruptible person, O Good One, asking for the forgiveness of our sins, O
Christ our God. For, of Your will,
You were pleased to lift Yourself up onto the cross, to deliver those whom You
created from the bondage of the enemy.
We cry out unto You and give thanks to You, for You have filled all with
joy, O Savior, when You came to help the world. Lord, glory to
You are she who is full of
grace. O Theotokos, the Virgin, we
praise you, for, through the cross of your Son, Hades fell down and death was
abolished. We were dead but we are
were raised and became worthy of eternal life, and gained the delight of the
first Paradise. Therefore, we
thankfully glorify the mighty Christ our God.
Remember me, O Lord, when
You come into Your kingdom.
Remember me, O Master, when
You come into Your kingdom.
Remember me, O Holy, when
You come into Your kingdom.
O, Who tasted death in the
flesh in the ninth hour for our sake, we the sinners, put to death our carnal
lusts, O Christ, our God, and deliver us.
Let my supplication draw close before You, O Lord; according to Your word
give me understanding. Let my
petition come before Your presence; according to Your word revive
O You, who commended the
spirit into the hands of the Father as You hung on the cross, in the ninth hour,
and guided the Thief who was crucified with You into entering the Paradise, do
not neglect me, O Good One, nor reject me, I, the lost one; but sanctify my soul
and enlighten my understanding, and allow me to be a partaker of the grace of
Your immortal mysteries; that when I taste of Your benevolences, I offer You
unceasing praise, longing for Your splendor above all things, O Christ our Lord,
and deliver us.
O, You who was born of the
Virgin for our sake, and endured crucifixion, O Good One, and abolished death by
Your death, and manifested resurrection by You resurrection, O God, do not turn
away from those whom You havfe created with Your own hands, but manifest, O Good
One, Your love for mankind. Accept
from Your mother an intercession on our behalf. Deliver, O Savior, a humble people. Do not leave us to the end, and do not
forsake us forever. Do not break
Your covenant, and do not take away from us your mercy, for the sake of Abraham,
Your beloved, Isaac, Your servant, and Israel, Your saint.
When the Thief saw the
Prince of Life hung on the cross, he said: “Had not the One Crucified with us
been God Incarnate, the sun would not have hidden its rays, nor would the earth
have quaked trembling. But O, the
Almighty One who endures all things, remember me, O Lord, when You come into
Your kingdom.”
O, You who accepted unto Him
the confession of the Thief on the cross, accept us unto You, O Good One; we who
deserve the sentence of death because of our sins. We all confess our sins with him, and
acknowledging Your divinity, and cry out with him saying, “Remember us, O Lord,
when You come into Your Kingdom.”
When the mother saw the Lamb
and Shepherd, the Savior of the world, hung on the Cross, she said while
weeping, “The world rejoices in receiving salvation, while my heart burns as I
look at Your crucifixion which You are enduring for the sake of all, my Son and
my God.”
you heavenly orders
Sing to our God with the
melody of praise
Rejoice with us today with
the resurrection of the Lord Christ
Today the prophecies are
the sayings of the forefathers are realized
the resurrection of the Lord from among the dead
is the firstfruit of those who have fallen asleep
Lord arose as One who sleeps
as One who is sated with wine
has granted us everlasting joy
And freed us from bitter