Written by:
Martha Soriel
St. Mary Church
Dallas, TX

How does a person begin to describe God's love? How long would it take to try to define in terms a love that is indefinable? Is it possible to put into words a love that is infinite; that is not limited on any condition? These are the questions that I began to ask myself as I began my journey to fully understand the very basic component of my being. I discovered that I, along with many other youth, are searching for a greater love, one that is everlasting, ever fulfilling, and is everywhere.

It is very easy to lose sight of God's love when we become consumed by other things that surround us, ranging from friends, work, school, social pressure to conform, to basic human desires that seem to push us farther away from His presence. In all the madness that surrounds us and our desire to love and be loved, it is easy to start overlooking, forgetting, and even ignoring His love that He is offering with nothing in return. But despite our refusal to welcome Him in our life, the Lord Christ, my Savior and yours, is here just waiting for us to notice His arms that are always extended to us welcoming us back to Him whenever we finally stop and reach for Him.

God loves us so much that He refuses to leave our side. He is always standing next to us, encouraging us whenever we need encouragement, helping us up whenever we fall, wiping away our tears whenever we are sad. God is always looking after us with His precious gaze, and the most forgiving, loving, and tender look. He looks at us with eyes that are not full of judgment, but with eyes that are full of love and mercy. He is now standing next to you and wants you, for just one moment, to turn to Him and welcome Him into your life.

How often do we look to others for love? Why do we do this if the Creator of love is waiting at our doorstep waiting for us to open the door of our hearts to Him and let His great touch consume our whole being? Your heartbeats are the sound of God's knocking on the doors of your heart, and He will continue to knock until the last beat of your heart. Don't keep the gates of your hearts locked towards Him or others, because your heart is intended to be open so He can fill it with happiness, joy, and love. As soon as we allow Him to enter, we will feel satisfied and our life will never be the same.

How can we continue to ignore such wonder from being part of our life? How can we continue to leave it out and not invite His peace to take over our worries, His strength to take over our problems and His love to complete us? The Lord Jesus Christ will never reject you no matter where you are in life. You don't have to look for miracles to know how much He cares for us, you just need to look outside your window to the skies, the sun, the trees, the grass, the flowers, etc., to truly recognize that God has provided us, His children, with all that we need.

Lord, without You, we will not exist. Without Your love near us we fall apart. Without Your love in our hearts we are not Christians.

Don't dilute your mind or heart with anything less than the Greatest Love there is and don't leave Him knocking for too long.