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People are saying that in the Koran it says that we should kill infidels. Also, in the Bible it says to kill infidels, examples from (Deuteronomy 13, Deuteronomy 17, and Numbers 31). Is there a difference between this command in the Koran and in the Bible? Please clarify.

There is a major difference between the killings of infidels, because they are unbelievers, according to the Koran and the putting to death of apostates mentioned in Books of Deuteronomy and Numbers. The Holy Bible identifies these characters as imposters cloaked as prophets as though they were commanded by God, but in reality, they were deceivers that vigorously tried to lure the children of God away from Him by introducing erroneous worship practices, divination, and idolatry, which in essence are all demonic and evil. God never commanded the execution of unbelievers simply because they were unbelievers, but He clearly identified the destruction of utter wickedness, horrific violence, and abominable acts committed by unbelievers and any of their accomplices even if they were from the children of God. He set a higher standard for the Hebrew nation because they knew Him better and closer. In addition, His mercy and patience were proven across generations. Even with the wicked, He provided them with the merciful gift of time to repent. Ten plagues still did not dissuade Pharaoh and neither did generations of oppression inflicted on the Israelites make a dent on his hard shell. Pharaoh relished in his malicious plots. On the other hand, the Ninevites (Book of Jonah) heard a few words by a reluctant, but true prophet of God, and immediately began to repent with sincerity. Though God's wrath was removed from them, yet He never demanded that they worship Him. Rehab was a prostitute and could have been content just to be spared God's vengeance on Jericho. However, she chose to love God and worship Him because He is the true God (Joshua 2:9-13).
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