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> Temptation
There are 6 questions in this category.
Given that we live in a world where evil is everywhere, wouldn't it be beneficial to our spiritual lives if we all lived in the desert or somewhere where the worldly evils could be avoided?
I have been battling severely against adultery. There are days when I fight extreme forms of temptation (the type that prevents me from eating, sleeping, and concentrating leaving me sweating and breathing heavily in much agony), and during such times, I have sought God earnestly, weeping bitterly and heavily before him for His help in much prayer. Days will pass with this type of agony, and it always happens that I cannot overcome, to the point where sin must be committed to relieve this agony and pain. It seems that our Free Will to choose our destiny, yet we end up being slaves to what we choose. If we choose to disobey God, we are slaves to Satan; if we choose to follow Satan, the consequence is hell. Therefore, we have to be FORCED to obey God in order to avoid hell. So, it seems that the way of God is forced upon us in order to escape suffering a despicable death in eternity. We are told to remain strong, faithful and to have hope; but frankly, I cannot accept such a God who will just leave us alone in our times of need; even when we cry for help. Also, I don't see any kindness in a God who would allow us to suffer trying to overcome sins.
I just wanted to know how to keep my mind away from lustful thoughts and desires. Whenever I go to confess I almost always confess about the same sin. Even after having confessed it, I still keep on thinking about it. I can't control myself against temptation; I still watch bad movies and go to bad places and when I start to do it again I regret it, but then I keep doing it again. I give myself all kinds of excuses for doing it. I don't pray much because usually I just tell myself that God knows what I'm thinking. Could you please advise me?
I keep having these very disturbing blasphemous thoughts concerning Jesus Christ and Him sinning. These thoughts bombard me out of nowhere. It is like war going on in my head. Please provide me with spiritual advice to help me regain peace.
I've been a Christian for a long time. I feel that God has changed a lot of the negative attitudes and emotions in me since I've started serving Him. However, there are still some areas in my life that need change. For example, negative attitudes like anger and judging others. How can I overcome these attitudes? Does it take a lifetime to really get rid of all the bad habits inside of us?
When a person is tempted of his virginity/chastity, St. Paul tells us it is better to marry than to burn with passions (i.e., better to marry than to be exposed to temptations). This is not relevant in the Synexarium with saints who were exposed to this temptation. For example, St. Moses the Moses, St. Mary of Egypt, St. Baseba, St. Martha the Ascetic..., when they all repented of their sins, the spiritual fathers did not encourage them to marry but immediately took them to the desert and placed the monastic garb on them knowing that in the desert, they will find peace and salvation for their souls. When a person is tempted, should he follow St. Paul's advice (as it is better to marry than to be exposed to temptations and passions) or should he follow the steps of the previous saints and seek the desert because in the desert is peace and tranquility? Does it depend on the duration of the temptation? If he keeps himself busy with work, then there is no room for temptation, and if there is, it is a passing temptation. How does a person differentiate between "burning with desires and better to marry" than with an episodic desire that comes and then passes. Even if a person keeps himself busy with work and still desires passion, then would this be a sure sign to get married?
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