Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States
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What is the church's viewpoint regarding women covering their head during the Divine Liturgy? Should they do so while praying at home?

1 Corinthians, Chapter 11, instructs women to cover their heads while praying or prophesying. In the Orthodox Church, nuns and deaconesses observe St. Paul's instructions as a canon. Women who cover their heads only at the time of Holy Eucharist may be doing so out of a habit acquired in the church where they grew up, and  the use of scarves throughout the Divine Liturgy was not enforced. However, this is incorrect. Women should cover their heads through the Liturgy prayers. Perhaps a polite note can be posted and scarves placed in an accessible place in order to encourage more women to reinforce St. Paul's and subsequently our church's teachings and to encourage new comers and the younger women and girls to follow the example. As for praying at home, the same rule basically applies, especially when it pertains to formal prayers.
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