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I've been taking a class for the past 3 years (6 semesters). I pass other classes except this subject. I've done everything I can. I'm almost graduating and I still can't move on because of this subject. I don't want to lose faith in God. I get really upset when I think about it and I refuse to let the bad side take control of my thoughts because I know I did everything I can, but I don't feel His presence in this matter. I'm losing faith every time I think about it.

It is my hope that you would not give up nor tire throughout this burden, but rather prevail in the process. Your determination to overcome obstacles will become part of your strong character. I am convinced that there are many lessons embedded in your current dilemma from which you can benefit. Frustration is definitely not the desired outcome. You have not exhausted all the possibilities, but are probably trying to resolve this issue in the same way over and over again. Have you asked if you can take the course online? Have you ever been evaluated for any learning disabilities, especially related to math or visual processing? People of normal and high intelligence can sometimes have learning difficulties in a variety of learning genres. Experiencing new ways of excelling in difficult subjects is something you can be taught. Continue to pursue your goals and trust that God will be with you in every struggle.

Here is a link from West Virginia University that explains "dyscalculia": The article provides means and methods helpful in dealing with this issue. It may be useful if it helps you to realize your full potential by accessing the appropriate resources. This article is not in any way an attempt to diagnose the situation, but it may provide some insight.

On a spiritual note, apply these words of wisdom from St. Peter the Apostle for spiritual and practical benefit on how to build character and grow in virtues through which many life struggles, whether good or bad, may bring us closer to Christ. If struggling through a short course will exhaust you, then what about the spiritual struggles throughout life? Treat this class as a spiritual exercise and you shall overcome by the grace of God.

Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, 3as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, 4by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust” (2 Peter 1:11).
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