Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States
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I have noticed a growing trend of deacons and priests using unconventional Coptic pronunciations in services, such as Old Bohairic. There are now Facebook sites promoting Old Bohairic and urging people to use it. It seems like this trend has caught on. Unfortunately, those who use Old Bohairic also have numerous differences amongst themselves in how they pronounce it. I fear that this movement is beginning to threaten the unity we have had in the Coptic language for many years now. It will also be a reason for those who may have been interested in learning Coptic to lose interest due to the introduction of numerous pronunciations in services. Is the Holy Synod considering issuing any decision regarding this? I humbly suggest that this be considered by the Holy Synod in order to preserve the usage of our wonderful Coptic language.

Thank God a committee is formed by the Holy Synod to discuss this issue and a CD has been recorded and to be used throughout the whole world for the pronunciation and chanting of the St. Basil Liturgy.
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