Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States
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If "Jephthae" the judge, was just as great as David, Barak and Gideon (Hebrews 11:32).  Why did he offer his daughter as a blood sacrifice, (Judges 11:30)?

Jephthah is mentioned among those who were distinguished for faith. However, Jephthah made a hasty vow that had cost him the life of his only daughter. St. Paul mentions Jephthah, Samson, Gideon and others who had also made great mistakes. He does not commend all that they had done, nor does he deny that they were imperfect men.

He commends only one thing, their faith. He particularly alludes to their remarkable courage and success in delivering their country from their and God's enemies. They went forth to battle, depending on God's protection and their confidence in Him as the God of their country.
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