Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States
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In our church there is a trend to sing all of the deacons' responses and hymns in English, I have been told that this is necessary because our Coptic Church needs to evangelize and reach out. I need your advice in this matter.

It is very important to use English as the main language so that the converts and the younger generation can participate. On the other hand, wherever possible, it is always good to have a balance in everything. I do not think that to say and sing ALL of the deacons' responses and hymns in one language whether English or Coptic is beneficial for the congregation as a whole. That is why we kept some hymns and responses in Coptic, for example, the Trisagion, the intercessions...etc. We need to be sensitive and accommodate all people. A mix of Coptic and English would be more appropriate and the ratio of Coptic/English may vary from one liturgy to another. The Doxologies for instance can be sung half Coptic, half English, or even alternating between the three languages. The responses and hymns for the special occasions are better tuned in the Coptic than the English language, therefore, they can be sung in Coptic and the congregation can follow from an English or Coptic handout.

The main issue here is to have a consensus among deacons. Love, lowliness and oneness should exist among the deacons in order to be able to pray in one accord. How distracting it would be if, in the midst of the liturgy and prayers, you would worry about which language to use for the next response.

Get together and agree on a system that accommodates all parties where there is no room for "my way or no way" so that you may stand before our Lord as one body and one spirit.
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