www.suscopts.org Southern Coptic Middle School Camp
Southern Coptic Kids Camp
Camp Rules
In order to enjoy the camp and benefit spiritually, please follow the following guidelines:
1. All the Campsite rules must be followed. We will go over the rules in the Orientation on the first day of the camp.
2. No shorts will be allowed during the Divine Liturgy, prayer time.
3. Christian behavior is expected from each participant.
4. Inappropriate language is unacceptable.
5. You cannot walk away and leave the area anytime you want, even if you are waiting around and doing nothing. We must follow the schedule.
6. Do Not share other peoples photos on social media without their consent.
7. Do not use your phone during spiritual sessions, unless you are asked to do so for a specific purpose.
8. Do not come out to the meeting area in your PJ’s.
9. Girls never enter the boys sleeping area. Boys never enter the girls sleeping area. Even during the day when no one is sleeping.

Servants, Parents, and Campers will need to bring:
1. There are no electronics allowed except a phone that could be used during the free time for the purpose of contacting the family and for emergency use
2. Close toed shoes only. NO FLIP FLOPS.
3. Only duffle bags with a maximum of two per person, no suit cases please, they are hard to fit in the vans.
4. A water Bottle is a must.
5. Toiletries.
6. Warm clothes, it will be cold.
7. A good flash light.
8. Bring your own linen such as, a pillow, a bed sheet and covers or a sleeping bag.
9. Bring Bible, Agpeya, and Tonya (for boys).

© Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States. All rights reserved.