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Online Dating
There are 12 questions in this category.
A ten year old girl in my Sunday school class is dating a boy. People have tried to talk to her about it, but to no avail. She does not want the priest to know; because she doesn’t think Abouna has anything to do with her private life. Besides,she does not think wrong of what she is doing. Should I tell Abouna? But then she may feel that I have broken her trust. This is the second boyfriend she has had. I am worried about her innocence and her purity. What can I do?
Does engagement serve as dating?
During Sunday school lesson, the topic on dating has generated a lot of surprisingly negative feedback from one of the girls in high school; revealing her attitude towards dating, and how opposing she is to the Church teachings regarding this subject. She could possibly be already hanging out with a boyfriend. Talking to the parents is futile because they would immediately defend their kids claiming that they know everything about them. As a servant, what else should I do apart from recommending "I Kissed Dating Goodbye" to read?
How am I expected to get married if dating is wrong?
How do our religion and our fathers regard dating?
I am beginning to like a girl, my age, 20 years old. My confessor father tells me to wait for a good time. When is a good time, and how will I know?
I have a boyfriend whom I like to talk to on the phone. We do not have bad conversation we’re just friends. Is this sinful or bad behavior?
I would like your advice on the following: I met a girl over the internet. We both are from the same church and are active in the church. We started to talk on the phone and got very close, but we never talked face to face. Before making any decision to talk to her I prayed about my feelings toward her. Then I told her that I loved her. Now Abouna and our parents found out and they expect us to forget about what had happened and about each other. I am just very confused right now and I don't know what to do. I can't stop talking to her.
My fourteen year old daughter has often asked “Why can’t I have a boyfriend?” Her definition of boyfriend is someone from the opposite sex that she would trust and open up to. She has no problem accepting the Holy Bible teaching, that no sex is allowed before marriage; but at the same time, nothing is mentioned in the Holy Bible for, or against, having a boy friend. What is Your Grace's comment on that?
Should dating involve parents?
What is so bad about dating? If I am not having sex and I am trying to find the right girl to marry after I get to know her and go out with her, what is the problem with that? Are there any restrictions in dating such as holding hands, kissing, etc.?
Why is the topic of dating never talked about or discussed within our youth meetings?
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