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I am nineteen years old and for the past nine months I have been in a relationship with a twenty three year old boy. This relationship started in the most beautiful pure way with pure motives. We told our confession fathers and parents. But as time went by we fell; and I am terrified. I now lie to my parents-who have always loved and provided for me. Worst of all I feel that I've betrayed my Lord in a way that is inexcusable. We fight more often. Torn with vivid memories from the past, I am now questioning my love to him. Seeing the sacrifices and the losses that lie ahead of me because of this relationship, I am not sure if I want to continue in this relationship.

Your situation is common among a lot of youths who think they can outsmart the devil and have a 'pure' relationship with someone from the other sex. Unfortunately, they end up falling into sin; and instead of focusing on the Lord they become ashamed and flea from Him. After having realized his sin, the Prodigal Son did not stand idle; but got up and immediately started his journey back to his father's house. Learn from the Prodigal Son. Do not think that your relationship will become any better. It is very hard to resist temptation especially after succumbing to it for some time. It is now all in your hand to stand firm and say, "enough is enough; I cannot continue in the life of sin." Discuss the situation with your spiritual father; and ask him to tell your friend that this is your decision and that it is a 'decision' and not something you are still thinking about. If you are ready to get married; do so as soon as possible. If not, then separation is the only solution. It might be hard on you at the moment. But the right thing to do is to leave this person and stop this relationship instantly. Repent, tell your confessor father the truth about your relationship and ask for his help and prayers. The best way to deal with sin is to hate it; and to stay away from its source as far as possible. If later on, both of you are ready for marriage; then you might want to reconsider. However, at the present, do not loose your eternal life for sexual desires and lusts.
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