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I am currently a junior in college and I hate college and studying. I really want to graduate, yet I am getting bad grades in some classes, and I think the reason is because I am too social and can't focus on my studies. I LOVE my church and my Sunday school service. I know my studying is a talent given to me by God, but I think I am throwing it away with my carelessness. I am majoring in Engineering and I hope I don't have to sit behind a desk. I was told that I have paranoid thoughts because I live with my sister and I am too protective of her. The good news is I don't have that anymore, but the bad news is now I am really careless about anything and everything except my service. How can I care about my school talent? Am I lazy? If yes, how can I improve that? Should I just drop out of college?

It is important to keep a healthy balance in everything. You still have some obligation to care for your sister and you should be concerned about things pertaining to her well-being, but not to the point of paranoia and suspicion. By the same token, you should not be totally careless either. You need to evaluate your major, future career, and aspiration to provide for a family. To know if this is the right major, it should be of interest to you, you should have the ability to perform the studies for it and the tasks it requires, and it should fit into your value system, i.e., the hours, salary, location, lifestyle, and other potential. If it is not, then you need to find a major that will lead to a future career that you can really enjoy.

Engineering is a good field, but you should also think out of the box. There are many related areas to each career. Many colleges allow students to take a minor in a subject area. This can be a good option for you to complement this major, if you decide to stay with it. Engineering will encompass many Math courses. Perhaps, you can obtain a teaching certificate in Math, just in case the desk job is truly unproductive for you. You may also pursue an MBA and work on the business side of engineering, or quality assurance, etc. I suggest you contact your college adviser and explore all the options, as well as careers that you have not yet considered.

It is important to complete a four year Bachelors Degree. If you do not, it will be harder to have job security in the future. I do not want to think of you as lazy, but perhaps you are either in the wrong field of study or you are getting burnt out. You need to replenish in a healthy and spiritual environment. As a junior in college, perhaps you can experience an internship in this intended occupation. This may help you to see the better side of the field, or at least the practical dimension. Once you complete your studies, the work place will be much more exciting.

You are now serving God through the ministry of Sunday School. This is very good. God willing, in the future, you can continue to serve God through your profession. Be patient with yourself and pray that God will reveal a more clear path for you. Do not waiver from completing your education. Do not allow the devil to deceive you by discouragement. Fight discouragement with prayer and determination and the Lord will bless you.
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