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I am a Coptic woman. I feel very strong about women's rights. I think women are able to do as much as men. I understand that God created men and women with different roles. However, when I see these Bible verses about women—that they should be in silence or like the man is the head of the woman, I get very upset, frustrated, and annoyed, and I think it's unfair, even if it's common in the Middle East that men have more rights then women and the wife is supposed to listen and be obedient to her husband as it is also stated in the Bible. Some men even abuse religion by stating these verses to prove to women that they are nothing. This is very intolerable and very frustrating. These Bible verses also make people want to leave their religion. My beliefs are that I am just as equal to men. However, of course, there are some things that meant for men and some for women. When men think that women belong in the kitchen and the wife has to satisfy him at every moment in time, this shouldn't be right. I prayed about this, but I am against some things. Am I turning against my religion? Why is it frustrating me so much when I hear and see things about men being higher then women?

The more you and others understand the real Christian and Orthodox interpretation of the passages relating to men and women, the less you will be conflicted about your understanding and the intention of the messages in these readings. Men who abuse women are undoubtedly ignorant to these biblical verses and/or are misinterpreting these passages to suit their own folly. Because of misinterpretation, women were sometimes among the outcasts. Christ, Himself, more than any other religious leader, is the best example of reaching out to women. Not only were many women serving in His ministry, but also His honorable disciples and apostles—including St. Paul, followed His great example. In the passages that you mentioned about women learning in silence or men as the head of women, it is imperative to read the full text. St. Paul actually places more obligation on the husband to love and care for his wife, as Jesus Christ does for the Church. Because of the haughtiness of the religious leaders in regard to women, Christ purposely seized opportunities to raise the state of women and correct the erroneous understanding of the religious establishment. Read about women in the following passages:
  • The Samaritan Woman
  • The Woman Caught in Adultery
  • The Canaanite Woman
  • The Woman with the Issue of Blood
  • The Penitent Sinful Woman at the Pharisee's House
  • In Defense of Mary Pouring Costly Fragrant Oil Upon the Lord's Feet
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