Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States
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Although I am Coptic Orthodox, I don't know much about the history of my church, nor do I know the Coptic language. I didn't regularly attend Church on Sundays when I was young. I also need to read the Holy Bible first and foremost. I am almost 20 years old and I feel completely lost. Going to Church is a wonderful thing, but when I don't understand what's going on, I get lost during the Divine Liturgy very quickly even when I have the Coptic Divine Liturgy book before me. Most of my friends either grew up in the Church or they came from Egypt having already known a lot. I'm in the middle because I was born in Egypt and grew up in The United States. This overwhelms me so much because I want to learn about the Church and its traditions but at the same time I can't forget that I also have to read the Holy Bible. This is a lot for me to do Your Grace, because I also have to worry about college and everything else that's going on in my life. I haven't really talked to anyone about this because I'm tired of hearing advice based on criticisms. I don't want to hear that everything I do in life is wrong because that's what I feel people are telling me even though it's implied rather than stated directly.

I am very happy to know that you are eager to know more about the history of the Coptic Church, the Coptic language and foremost the Holy Bible. You should not feel that this is an overwhelming task and never despair. It is said "A journey of a thousand miles starts with one footstep." Please remember that God created the world in six days, so nothing is instant and it is never too late to start.

The First thing is to start reading the Holy Bible. If you read only one chapter a day you will finish the whole Bible in three years. After reading each chapter you can take advantage of the '3-year Bible Study Program' posted on the Southern Diocese website to test your knowledge by answering two questions per chapter.

Secondly, participate as much as you can in your church activities (Holy Bible studies, Coptic classes, conventions etc.). They are the window to the knowledge you are seeking.

Thirdly, I encourage you to dedicate one hour everyday to reading. This can really enrich your knowledge. Books to start with are: Salvation in the Orthodox Concept by His Holiness Pope Shenouda, How to Benefit from the Divine Liturgy by His Grace Bishop Mettaous, and Introduction to the Coptic Orthodox Church by Fr. Tadros Malaty.

I strongly encourage you to enroll in the Diocese 'Pre-Servants Retreat’ this summer. This five-day retreat covers the topics you are interested in and more. It is a six- year program that equips participants with the right knowledge about the Coptic Church and prepares them to serve the Lord.

The winter Southern Diocese Youth Convention is another venue to further familiarize you with the Church and provide you with the chance to meet other Copts many of whom, like yourself, were born in Egypt but raised in the US. This is a great opportunity that would help you become more comfortable around your peers and give you the feeling of belonging.
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