Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States
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My clinic partner in college is giving me a very hard time. We are supposed to work together, but she always blames me. She gets upset from the smallest thing and it is so hard to please her. She ignores me in lectures and she doesn't even answer when I tell her "Good morning." What am I supposed to do? She stresses me out so much and I always come home crying. She is my clinic partner for the entire year.

Throughout our lives, we will face many challenges and meet people of all temperaments. Some of these uncomfortable situations actually become important life lessons and prepare us for unpredictable events in the future. Sometimes, God is just pruning us to become more spiritually mature and deal better with adversities. These experiences have the potential of adding that sweet finesse of grace, which differentiates practicing Christians from others blending in with the world. Thus, I advise you to approach this relationship as you are approaching your studies in the clinic. Or, do you think that the reason that you are in this situation is only to learn some facts and equations without real personal growth? I do not think so. However, if the situation worsens and becomes intolerable, then perhaps the lesson is assertive training and you may be compelled then to request a different partner. Start with working through this relationship and then see what happens. Take a lesson from the Holy Scripture and learn and apply what you are being taught, "overcome evil with good" (Romans 12:21).
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