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I have a habit of masturbation. I tried many years and methods to stop it. I prayed, washed with holy water, and talked to my father confessor, etc. I really want to stop this.

You can overcome the temptation of masturbation. This act begins in the mind before it is acted out physically. Thus, you begin by keeping an active mind occupied in work, studies, services, and other means to stay busy. When these thoughts occur, engage in productive physical activities to release the energy and distract your thoughts. By now you know where and how this act begins and what motivates you to masturbate. Any change in the environment that you have hedged in order to be able to satisfy this need, will help deter this action from manifestation.

Continue to pray, read spiritual material, and confess regularly. If you transgress, do not lose hope, but repent, keep striving to improve, and ask God to forgive you and to help you.

"There is no need at all to make long discourses; it is enough to stretch out one's hand and say, ‘Lord, as you will, and as you know, have mercy.’ And if the conflict grows fiercer say, ‘Lord help!’ God knows very well what we need and He shows us His mercy." —Abba Macarius
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