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I wanted to know your input on this article found at

It is true that forensic scientists can now simulate a face to an actual skull. This science has helped greatly in identifying missing persons from recovered skulls. In this study, the team of researchers started with an Israeli skull dating back to the 1st century and their knowledge about the Jewish people of the time, to determine the shape of the face, color of eyes and skin. Does this mean that the shape of the face of contemporary people, the color of their eyes and the texture of their hair is the same?

The magazine's editors admit that they cannot be certain of the accuracy of this facial representation. Through the centuries, artists have depicted our Lord Jesus Christ in so many ways but mostly as the article  says "the typical lithe, long-haired, light-skinned and delicate-featured" This presentation did not come from void for our Lord was lithe as He Himself said, "Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart" (Mt 11:29).

The picture this group has deduced contradicts the one of the shroud of Turin widely accepted by many to be the authentic. As for the length of our Lord's hair, we cannot apply St. Paul's words to all men, for the Nazirites had long hair and this was not considered a disgrace to them.
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