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Sometimes I feel that God is not listening to my prayers concerning whether to get married or remain a celibate. I start to doubt and become afraid of getting lost. What can I do?

I advise you to continue seeking God, and while continuing praying and not giving up, put the virtue of LOVE before your eyes.

There is something I believe about love, be it for God or our fellowmen, and that is:  
"Love is patience." Love must be patient. Love must wait to begin. Love must not be in a hurry. It is calm. Love will be ready to do its work when it is summoned to do so. Meantime, love must take the role of a quiet and humble spirit and ask for God's guidance.

Love suffers long. It bears all things; believes in all things and hopes all things. Love understands and therefore waits, and in the "fullness of time" all things will happen according to God’s plan.

Also, when looking for a partner, make sure you look for the appropriate spiritual traits because the physical ones are at best short lived.

  1. PATIENCE -- "Love suffereth long"

  2. KINDNESS -- "And is kind"

  3. GENEROSITY -- "Love envieth not."

  4. HUMILITY -- "Love vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up"

  5. COURTESY -- "Doth not behave itself unseemly"

  6. UNSELFISHNESS -- "Seeketh not her own"

  7. GOOD TEMPER -- "Is not easily provoked"

  8. GUILELESSNESS -- "Thinketh no evil"

  9. SINCERITY -- "Rejoiceth not in inquity, but rejoiceth in the Truth"
All these virtues spring from LOVE. God is LOVE, therefore if we find these traits we find God, and if we find God we find happiness and all that comes with it regarding God, men, life, the known today and the near tomorrow.
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