Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States
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One of my Sunday School students is showing behavioral problems manifested in lack of interest in, and concentration on the lesson as well as in distracting the others in class. He/she seems to be attending Sunday school for motives other than benefiting from a spiritual lesson. I want to help him/her, but I do not know how. Any suggestions?

Such personalities need to be attracted to the meeting for its own sake rather than be pushed by their parents to attend. A line of communication has to be open between the two of you. The straightforward way is to ask ADVICE from that person on what he/she thinks is wrong with the meeting; why he/she feels it is boring or a waste of time, how  we can we make it more interesting for them. How can they  help so that the meetings become more interesting to everyone? If you think that person will not respond and come out openly, just try to get them involved somehow in the classroom. Many children especially high school age do not like to be just receivers of information but like interaction; because they like to feel important and responsible. Assign him/her a lesson to prepare and present to the whole class. Ask them to prepare activities for a special event like a spiritual day, or Nativity Feast celebration at the church with hymns or a play etc.
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