Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States
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Some people believe that the Holy Bible and the church are subject to corruption since they are influenced by man, even with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, what is Your Grace's comment on this?

If some believe that the Holy Bible is subject to corruption due to the nature of man's influence upon it, this is simply not true. The message of the Holy Bible comes from God. This is the most basic of facts.

How do we recognize the sacred nature of the Holy Bible? Through faith.

The Holy Bible and the Church cannot be separated as your comments suggest. The Book and the Covenant go together. The Covenant is with the people.

Within the Old Testament and the most ancient of times, Israel (God's chosen people) was entrusted with the books of the Covenant, "The Word of God." St Paul explicitly tells us this, "To them were committed the oracles of God" (Romans 3:2).

The Church from the beginning; first with the Apostles, then the individual fathers, the Councils, etc. set out to preserve the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Apostolic Tradition as it exists today.

The Holy Bible is indeed the Word of God with the witness of the Church. Those who would translate the message incorrectly, conduct so-called scholarly investigations leading others astray, or seek simpler wording and subtly change translation, have no authority to do so. There are a number of articles concerning the Holy Bible that are posted on the Diocese website, I recommend reading them.
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