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postheadericon Welcome!

           Voices of Angels is an annual book written for children, by children. Anyone from grades one through twelve can submit a literary work or art piece to be graded blindly by a minimum of three judges (to see a copy of the rubric, please visit our Resources page). Prizes will be given out to the first and second place winners of each submission category within the four grade clusters, as shown below.



Grades 1-3

Grades 4-6

Grades 7-9

Grades 10-12






Short Stories
















        Participants who earn an average score of 35+/50 on their rubrics will be published in Voices of Angels in the fall of 2012.


postheadericon Guidelines



           Participants are limited to one submission per category (ex: 1 poem, 1 short story, 1 essay, and 1 art piece)

           If your art piece is a painting or sculpture, you can still submit it by taking a photograph of it against a mono-colored background and sending the picture to us

           The work must have some type of spiritual significance or be spiritually beneficial

          To submit, please look under our Contact page at

  and fill out all parts of the application