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> Monasticism/Monastic Life
There are 7 questions in this category.
I am 19 years old and I have a desire for monasticism. It is to the point that I bought a kolonsowa [cowl] and galabia [monastic black robe] from Egypt and I wear them in my room when I pray, and even when I sleep. Doing this reminds and helps me keep my chastity and to always be thinking about being a monk. I love to listen to tasbeha and to sermons by bishops or monks from the monastery I would want to join. My question is, how do I know that this desire is genuine? Also, is it wrong for me to be wearing the monastic garb in my room?
I am considering monasticism. I have noticed that when I stay in a monastery or during a retreat I am able to subdue my passions through prayer and fasting. When I am back in the world, I find myself unable to pray nor fast and preoccupied with work and activities. The old man becomes strong, the flesh, the ego, and all my desires become hard to subdue. I am torn between two viewpoints:
That anyone considering monasticism should prepare himself before coming to monastery by living a monastic life in the world.
For some people, passions are overcome only within a monastic community.
I am seventeen years old, I sometimes feel as if I am called to become a nun, because I believe monastic life might be an answer to living a life fully dedicated to God. I am confused between that thought and a desire for a life in the world.
I have been contemplating monastic life. My mother is totally against it arguing that I could serve God more and better in the world bringing the lost sheep back to our Lord Jesus Christ. I am praying about it. Could Your Grace please advise me?
I have been thinking about monasticism for a while. I am 30 years old and currently working on completing my bachelor degree. I am also thinking to continue for a master’s degree in the same field or if I find something in Christian studies. Sometimes I think that it is better to focus on my spiritual life and become a monk after my studies than to continue for a master degree. I talked about it to my priest and he told me that many consider that option and after change the idea. I went with a friend for 2-3 days to a Catholic monastery to see how it feels and I found it really peaceful. I am a little bit of shy person and maybe this can cause a problem to live in a community of monks. Should I take some steps further, like taking a retreat for couple of days in a Coptic monastery or talk about it to another priest?
What is monastic life like? Who qualifies for it? What does it take to make a good monk? At the moment I am divided between marriage life and monastic life. Could you please advise me?
Why does a monk seclude his life from the world when he can use the love and passion he has for God to preach to others?
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