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Is it preferable for a 30 year old Christian to read only spiritual Christian books in my free time or to read a little bit of history, psychology, etc., in order to have better overall knowledge?

As long as you are dedicated and observant to your canon [guidelines by your spiritual father] about your prayers and spiritual readings, it is alright that you read about other things of interest, so to be well rounded and educated about various matters, the world, history, politics, psychology, etc., but you should also share any diversions with you father confessor regarding persisting distractions produced by this new information. For someone your age of 30, and the fact that you seek spiritual counsel, it is reasonable to believe you are growing in spiritually maturity. Caution is made when one is not well grounded in faith, but rather open to any kind of suggestion due to ignorance of the Orthodox Christian doctrine, practices, and principles. This puts one in a vulnerable position of accepting blatant and subliminal messages, which could cause confusion and disturbances and steer someone that was once faithful away from God and immerse him or her into an erroneous belief system, obstinate questioning, harmful influence, heresies, and fables.

To place your information gathering decision about various interests into perspective, ask yourself these questions below; but if your responses are in the negative, then end this pursuit:

  1. Does this material edify me?

  2. Does this knowledge fit or conflict with a sound understanding of my faith?

  3. How will I use this information?

  4. Is this particular diversion spiritually worthy of my time and energy?

"All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful; all things are lawful for me, but not all things edify" (1 Corinthians 10:23).
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