Q&A Home > S > Spiritual Books There are 3 questions in this category.
- I bought a book called “Orthodox Prayer Life”. Would you recommend this book? I started reading it a few years ago and I found it very difficult to understand but I wanted to begin reading it again. I also got the book “Characteristics of the Spiritual Path”, which I have started and love.
Also, I am wondering, what exactly should be the point of reading and trying to gain more knowledge. Is it so that I can personally know more about Christ and His salvation, or so that I can share it with others? I have certain uneasiness in my heart, and I cannot tell whether this feeling is from the Holy Spirit warning me to slow down or from Satan trying to discourage me from coming closer to Christ.
In general, for whatever reason, I have concerns, apprehensions, and worries in regards to my spiritual life. I feel overwhelmed, yet obligated to become a serious Christian. I have been seriously trying to improve my spiritual life for about a month now (abstaining from carnal behavior, reading the Holy Bible, praying daily, and going to church as much as possible). Yet, for some reason, I still feel empty when I sit by myself in a room. I want to be self-sufficient (with Christ as my provider), emotionally, mentally, and spiritually speaking. I mean that I want to be able to be completely apart from other people, but be content with Christ in my heart. The last thing I want to do is to give up and go back to a carnal life, tormented by the matters of the world. I am a person who greatly desires the company of others, but as I have discovered, people always seem to disappoint. I am aware that God, and only God, is the one entity that will never betray us or leave us empty-handed. How can I access this grace that so many have enjoyed (the grace that only God can provide)?
- I would like to start reading Christian Orthodox books but I am very confused. Where do I start? I came across monastic books, Biblical commentaries, Church history books, etc. Where is a good place to start?
- Is it preferable for a 30 year old Christian to read only spiritual Christian books in my free time or to read a little bit of history, psychology, etc., in order to have better overall knowledge?
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