The students of grade 5 will still enjoy stories with visual aids but they are more critical of what they hear. They particularly like to ask logical questions and like to hear logical answers. The main theme to be conveyed at this age is that they are loved and respected. The child is sensitive in this age to his teacher’s image. It is also a critical stage for developing their self-esteem.

Sunday School Curriculum

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Memorization Curriculum

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Hymns Curriculum

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Exceptional Student Education Curriculum

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
January Celebrating Christmas Differently Epiphany: Nicodemus and Baptism The Flight into Egypt St. Anthony the Great
February Life After Death-Heaven God Judges Korah
July Elisha and the Chariots of the Lord The Church During the Apostolic Era The Healing of Naaman
August Aaron’s Rod Wrestling with God Jacob Marries Leah and Rachel The Agpeya
September St. Mark’s First Entry to Egypt The Coptic New Year – St. John the Baptist Deborah The Judge Elisha Purifies the Water
October Elisha Brings the Shunammite’s Son to Life The Prophets and the Poisonous Food Jesus and Zacchaeus the Tax Collector Haggai
November Honor Your Father and Mother Exploring the Promised Land Jesus Heals a Bleeding Woman The Bronze Serpent
December The Exile in Babylon The Parable of the Ten Virgins Jesus Heals the Canaanite Woman’s Daughter Jesus Raises a Widow’s Son in Nain
» Holy Great Fast Week 0: Murmuring Against God Week 1: Daniel and Fasting Week 2: The Prodigal Son Week 3: Eli the Priest and His Sons Week 4: Rehab’s Faith Week 5: The Passover Lamb Week 6: Marys in the Bible
» Holy 50 Joyous Days Week 1: Observe the Lord’s Day and Keep it Holy Week 2: St. John the Apostle Week 3: Friendship Week 4: Simon and Sorcery Week 5: Demetrius, the Vinedresser Week 6: Hannah the Mother of Samuel Week 7: King Hezekiah
» Filler Lessons #1: Anba Pijimi #2: Incense #3: St. Mary the Egyptian #4: Solomon’s Wisdom #5: Ahab and Naboth of Jezreel #6: St. Philip and the Ethiopian Treasurer #7: The Rich Man and Lazarus
